Frogans site of the week: frogans*fsdlreminder
8 November 2017
Frogans site of the week

Welcome to the first post of our new series: The Frogans site of the week. Each week, we are going to shine a spotlight on a particular Frogans sites, for its utility, originality or design quality. Whenever possible, we’ll include an interview of its developer.
So let’s start with frogans*fsdlreminder.
What is it?
frogans*fsdlreminder is a convenient Frogans site (in French) that makes it possible to browse the various attributes of the FSDL language (Frogans Slide Description Language, the XML-based language that is used to code Frogans sites).
It makes the most of the tiny size of Frogans sites by staying on the developer’s screen on top of its favorite authoring tool or other software. While the developer of a Frogans site is coding, he/she can have a quick look to an attribute of the FSDL language to check the syntax, without taking their eyes off the code.

frogans*fsdlreminder home slide
Interview of frogans*fsdlreminder’s creator: Vincent DECAESTEKE
Can you tell us the story behind frogans*fsdlreminder ?
“In the beginning of 2016, I was very excited by the idea of joining the OP3FT as a full-time developer. To impress them, I decided to participate to the first Frogans Awards contest that they were organizing. After making my decision, I only had two days left to learn FSDL and develop a Frogans site. Learning FSDL was not difficult, because it is an XML-based language : when you know XML and have notions in HTML, it is pretty straightforward. I wanted to make a Frogans site that could be useful to developers like me. So I came up with the idea of using the OP3FT’s official document “FSDL 3.0 Recap” to develop an aid for FSDL developers…in the form of a Frogans site.

frogans*fsdlreminder button attribute
What would be your pieces of advice for a developer wanting to create his very first Frogans site?
“The best way to start with FSDL is to open a Frogans site in Frogans Player, then study its code. That is how I started: I looked at frogans*HelloWorld and just read its FSDL code. I think it is the best way to see code in context and to understand how it works.
Then of course I can also only suggest to use frogans*fsdlreminder!”